Final Week :) : Kit Presentation


Mashaa Allah, it has come to the end of semester, it is final week which means the exam is just around the corner!

It shows how time flies and we just realized when it comes to an end….well every beginning has it ending right…in between of those will happen many things. So, throughout the class with Ummi Rosseni, if I have done any mistake (*actually memang ade 😦 >selalu lambat update reflections) I want to apologize to ummi and all the classmates. I hope that we gain a lot of things and information after completing this course > Learner Diversity and Differentiated Learning. I think that this course is really good for teachers, especially general educators to learn this course as we are exposed to the diversity of learners and how we can accommodate and cater their needs.

Well actually, this week is our last meeting and it is the day for the final task > Learning Kit 🙂

Me and my group members; Nisa, Farah and Imran have done our best to accomplish this task, we had done acting, doing power point slides, and poster about AUTISM. I hope that everybody will get the mark that we deserve to get.

Unfortunately, the class was not ended well, there was an incident happened and I’m not going to explain further. But, Ummi, seriously we feel regret and sorry for that. There’s a lesson learned for us.

And for this final post, I’d like to thank Ummi for all the knowledge, advice and FOOD! hihi

I hope, Ummi can be our lecturer again and again another time in future… Hopefully, Ummi will always be healthy, caring, kind, and motherly lecturer (that’s why we call her Ummi-it suits her well), she’s very nice…(*Allah je yang dapat balas jasa-jasa beliau)

Alhamdulillah…till we meet again some other time 🙂

The Tenth Reflection > Last wave of tutorial q’s presentation

Asslamualaikum everybody! Hope you are in a good condition and just happy to continue reading my update 🙂

On the eleventh tutorial class, we had more presentations by

  • Prasna & Ayie > 1Malaysia Values and Obstacles in achieving the Goal

I believe that everybody know about 1Malaysia right, but let me remind you again about it. 1Malaysia is an on going program designed by our current Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. Basically, the function of this program is to unite the Malaysian as we know that we live in a multi-racial country. Unity is important in order to remain the harmonious and peace of our land 🙂

So, these are the 8 values that will be looked as consideration in achieving 1Malaysia goals.


In  every dream and aim, there’ll always be obstacles that affected and may  prevent the achievement of these goals. As presented by Prasna, these are the 5 obstacles;

1. School System

  • žEthnically & linguistically  polarized primary school system (Chinese & Tamil )
  •  Separated school system @ primary level
  •  90% (Chinese)/ 50% (Indian)  – no opportunity to interact with Malays in the same age category

2. Religious Sentiments

  • Ethno-centric (superior compared to other community) – weird, inferior and immoral
  •  Differences measured by : customs, family background, attitude, and attire
  •  Unhelpful religious sentiment which undermine the practices and institutions of other religions

3. Mother Tongue

  • žMother tongue  ( tamil / chinese )
  • žCannot  accept that Bahasa  Melayu as official  language
  • žžit shows the differences between the races
  • žDo not want to give up or want to learn and apply other languages.

4. Goal

  • žNot common and shared goal
  • žžNot ethnically integrated
  • žžPeace , living in harmony
  • žFull & fair partnership

5. Speciality

žSpecial positions of Malay/ Bumiputera (Constitution)
When they present about these, I just realized that 1Malaysia is really hard to be achieved…however, the unity still can be instilled and should be preserved. I love this country, multi-racial is not a problem, it is unique 🙂
After weeks of waiting, it’s the time for
  • Ekin aka Sheqin Shomey as the last presenter,who is assigned a topic about Cooperative Learning.
I really really really like her power points slides because it is interesting, colourful and it was enjoyable only just look at it. I don’t know how others feel, but I love it hihi 😀 but, some of the slides need to be improved as the font size, the amount of sentences in a slide and so on that make us hard to read
let me share one of the slides
Cooperative Learning
Okay, let me defined this in chunks
~ students work together
~ to achieve specific goals set by teacher
~in ideal classroom
~teacher will act as monitor and assist them when necessary
3 Types Of Cooperative Learning
1. Formal
2. Informal
3. Cooperative Based Group
Some of the Models of Cooperative Learning
  • Jigsaw
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • Group Investigation
  • Roundtable
  • Numbered Heads Together

Alhamdulillah…everybody has presented the Tutorial Questions assigned. Hope it will help us in the final exam 🙂

Till we meet again in the final week before the ‘Final’

Assalam 🙂

Reflection 9 Ana, Imran, Nisa, Ika & Zarina’s presentation

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and a very good day to all….!!!

I hope we are in a good condition…always in barakah of Allah…

I wont deny…it’s way too late actually to post this…first of all I want to apologize to ummi, I hope it’s not too late 😦

I have few things on my mind lately so there are bunch of posts that I have procrastinate for a while (tp da mcm pekasam gamak nye) till I forgot to do it.

So, let’s get back on track and continue what I’ve left for quite long time eheh…

On the tenth tutorial class, some of my friend presented their topic;

Ana & Imran – 5 learning disabilities and Teaching youth with learning disabilities

Nisa – multi-disciplinary team

Ika & Zarina  – Global and Analytical learner

Actually, Ana & Imran are partners but I just split the info so that, it will be easily referred 🙂

Ana, the first presenter of the day did presented about 5 learning disabilities which are;

  1. Dyslexia (difficulty in reading) ~  a learning problem some kids have. Dyslexia makes it tough to read and spell. The problem is inside the brain, but it doesn’t mean the person is dumb. Plenty of smart and talented people struggle with dyslexia. But dyslexia doesn’t have to keep a kid down. With some help and a lot of hard work, a kid who has dyslexia can learn to read and spell.
  2. Dysgraphia (difficulty in writing) ~ a learning disability that affects writing, which requires a complex set of motor and information processing skills. Dysgraphia    makes the act of writing difficult. It can lead to problems with spelling, poor handwriting, and putting thoughts on paper. People with dysgraphia can have trouble organizing letters, numbers and words on a line or page.
  3. Dyscalculia (difficulty in calculating) ~ refers to a wide range of lifelong learning disabilities involving math. There is no single type of math disability. Dyscalculia can vary from person to person. And, it can affect people differently at different stages of life. Did I having dyscalculia? *I got bad result for Add Maths back then to my secondary 😦
  4. Dysphasia (difficulty with language) ~ One in a group of speech disorders in which there is impairment of the power of expression by speech, writing, or signs, or impairment of the power of comprehension of spoken or written language. More severe forms of dysphasia are called aphasia.
  5. Dyspraxia (difficulty with fine motor skills) ~ a disorder that affects motor skill development. People with dyspraxia have trouble planning and completing fine motor tasks. This can vary from simple motor tasks such as waving goodbye to more complex tasks like brushing teeth. And mostly MALE is affected!

For all this years I just know the term Dyslexia , but now, I’ve learned that there are 4 remaining learning difficulties/disabilities that affect some of children. Literally I know there are person having difficulties in maths and handwriting but I don’t know that it is so serious and have their own terms 🙂 … Everyday I learn new things! Isn’t that great?

Then, Imran proceed with ~ Teaching Youth With Learning Disabilities

  1. Dyslexia                 ~ Give proper instructions; explicit, systematic and cumulative, structured and multisensory, use flash cards, disciplined them with time management, and provide them with handouts.
  2. Dysgraphia           ~ Accommodations (providing alternatives to written expression) , Modifications (changing expectations or tasks to minimize or avoid the area of weakness), and Remediation (providing instruction for improving handwriting and writing skills).
  3. Dyscalculia           ~
    • Use graph paper for students who have difficulty organizing ideas on paper.
    • Work on finding different ways to approach math facts; i.e., instead of just memorizing the multiplication tables, explain that 8 x 2 = 16, so if 16 is doubled, 8 x 4 must = 32.
    • Practice estimating as a way to begin solving math problems.
    • Introduce new skills beginning with concrete examples and later moving to more abstract applications.
    • For language difficulties, explain ideas and problems clearly and encourage students to ask questions as they work.
    • Provide a place to work with few distractions and have pencils, erasers and other tools on hand as needed.
  4. Dysphasia               ~    All support strategies should be implemented under the guidance of speech and language therapist. They may include
    • Exercises for the facial muscles
    • Speech-sound activities
    • Noun picture cards to improve memory of object names
    • Learning sign language 
    • using ICT to support development of speech, hearing and reading comprehension


  5. Dyspraxia             ~    there are some tips that can be done by teacher
  • Teach them to totally understand time
  • Keep a diary about what is needed by the children
  • Set time to prevent Dyspraxia children from panic
  • Do lots of activities involving hand-eye and body coordination
  • Try to keep routines and order constant from day to day

Nisa’s turn!!!

She had presented about 5 multi-disciplinary team and their roles;

1. General Educators ~

Understand the special educators may be responsible for a large group of students and have limited amount of time for each students.  Sharing with other consultants for determining how goals and object can be reinforced during course of general classroom activities.

2. Special Educators ~

Recognize suitable techniques to be used towards students especially students with special needs. Respond  to the need of many students rapidly. Recognize the teaching techniques  that may be success in special education class but not in normal classroom.

3. Parents ~

Provide complete information about the students’ current performance and don’t leave their children’s education only on the hand of expertise.

4. Principal ~

Monitor student’s movements in the schools especially in classroom. Always update information with the classroom teacher about their performance. Inform parents with current performance of the students.
5. Students ~
Responsible for their own educational outcomes. Although for disabilities students, they should think about their responsibility. Don’t let others be responsible for everything about their education.
Finally, the last but not least, Ika & Zarina’s turn to present on that day… unfortunately, I can’t focus anymore and I just grab that they actually told us about a few learning styles and how teachers can accommodate in T&L process in classroom 🙂
but…this is their slides, you can refer for further information 🙂
So, basically these are the differences between the two learning style;
Global vs Analytical

Global vs Analytical

That’s all for this entry 🙂
Assalamualaikum!!! Till we meet again in another post in shaa Allah…

Tutorial 9 Proceed to the next tutorial questions

Assalamualaikum wbt and good day to everyone!

Yesterday was Nora, Jannah, Kakna and Veni’s  turn to present. They have presented their slides confidently. These are their tutorial questions;

1. Nora         – Describe learner diversity in Malaysia

2. Jannah    – How can education for All be achieved?

3. Kakna      – Describe the six faces of inclusion

4. Veni         – Phases of inclusion

5. Farah      – Five teacher’s behaviors towards low achievers mentioned by Kauffman

I don’t get all the information which they have presented because there are too many information to be copied down and I’m not a fast writer! blame on me! uhuh… But,  I still remember some of the facts and information from the presentation! hihi yeay!

Let me start from Nora, she has listed several description about Learner Diversity in Malaysia but I just got three ;

  • Level of teacher’s perspectives towards the diversity of students are still at the moderate level.
  • Teachers take things lightly in the education content
  • There’s still lacking of awareness for students’ diversity

Jannah has introduced 2 roles who responsible to make Education for all can be achieved.

The roles are;

1. Government has implementing

  • primary school for every child is compulsory
  • each students should master the 3M before proceed to secondary school
  • the financial help for those needed
  • standardized curriculum and co-curriculum syllabus
  • special school for special children

2. Society

  • self – experience 
  • self – awareness about the importance of education for the future

Later on, Kakna eagerly wants to present her answer. She has highlighted what is the the 6 faces of inclusion in only one slide but she has explained it further;

  1. Academic                                       – how you want to implement the lesson?
  2. Assessment standard                – how you want to evaluate students?
  3. Behavioral                                     – how students/teachers reacts? Are they comfortable?
  4. Emotional                                      – there are variety of emotional state
  5. Social                                               – teacher help students to socialized in positive way
  6. Physical                                          – extra fun?

Next, Veni proceed for her presentation but I didn’t got any explanation because there are too much words in the slide, I just wrote the title; Phases of Inclusion, provisions of Public Law 99-457. my bad 😦 I just can’t stand too much of words in 1 slide, I’ll feel unmotivated to search for the important words…

The las but not least, Farah. She has introduced and explain the teacher’s behaviors towards low achievers mentioned by Kauffman;

  1. Consistent in responding children’s behaviour
  2. Providing instruction that is useful to children
  3. Rewarding the right behavior
  4. The demands appropriate for children’s abilities
  5. Try a different approach or seek for help

and those are the ending, for that day. Ooh I want to share the cupcake we had during the tutorial, it’s a blast! thanks to ummi, she’s so kind…mcm tau2 jer ktorg xsempat breakfast eh kurma pun ummi ade bg tp xsempat snap, da ngap hihi 🙂 alhamdulillah…

sorry, the internet is very siput sedut… I’ll upload later k 😛

Assalam, gud nite …

1.43 am

Saturday (delayed, actually this is for Friday post but I manage to finish writing only this time, terlajakk hihi)

fast-heartbeat-day! Reflection7 (Tutorial8) Autistic

Assalamualaikum wbt and very good day to all fellow readers ❤

Last week was a hectic and tense week for me and might be for all too as we are preparing several presentations for our Malaysia in Narration and Curriculum & Pedagogy. Sorry for the late post because I’m hair-wired with all those stuff with micro teaching.

So, the main point is, during  last week tutorial, Adira (Saale Model), me (Autistic) and Yasmin (Syndrome Down) have presented our Tutorial Questions which are the fist three. I am the lucky number 2! hihi

I have assigned to do Question number 2 – Describe briefly the characteristics of Autistic and explain how teachers can accommodate to their learning needs…

During the presentation I feel very nervous and I thought that my presentation was disaster but before going back, ummi said that I’ve done a good job! Yeay! my self esteem and confidence level is increasing and I hope to present better next time 🙂

Whereas, as usual  Dira and Yasmin present confidently and mantopp!!! hihi I think I should ask them how to present confidently in front of the crowds and preventing from become nervous during presentation.

I just highlighted some information about autism and the characteristics of autistic in a mind map. The rest you can view on my Power Point slides.  🙂

Autism and The Characteristics

Autism and The Characteristics

*Feel free to view and download!

and this is my power point slides >>>  Characteristics of Autistic and How Teachers can accommodate

Assalamualaikum wbt


“Different, but Not Less” ~ Students with Autism

Assalamualaikum and hey everybody!

I started to write last night but have limited ideas to write and haven’t study much about autism. So, I decided to continue this morning. Before I proceed, I’d like to let you read something, maybe a poem, I don’t know…


you’re like one of my sisters,

you’ve been a good listener of mine,

 I felt very contented with your stories,

we exchanged stories, laughing and enjoy together,

I forgot about how far I am from my family,



you’re like stranger to me,

you’re not even face me when I talk,

we’re no longer exchange stories

we’re like strangers,

have I done anything wrong,

I’m too afraid to ask…

by: Nadia

Let’s forget about this first, I’ll tell you later if you want to know the reason I come up with this so-called poem.

‘Different, but Not Less’ I like this line. Temple’s mother uses to describe Temple to one of her teachers in the movie, ‘Temple Grandin’. I know more about autistic after watching this movie. Autistic can also success in their learning. For instance, I’ve read about Nabil Lutfi who has high functioning autism, got 9 A’s in SPM!!! (OKU category)  this morning. So, it proves that autistic can also be a successful even they are quite slower than the other normal students. However, they also can be better than a normal student if they work harder.

Nabi Lutfi with his honourable achievement!Kuantan: Penyakit autisme yang dikesan sejak berada di sekolah rendah lagi tidak menghalang seorang pelajar daripada mendapat keputusan cemerlang 9A dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2012 yang diumumkan semalam.

Nabi Lutfi with his honourable achievement!
Kuantan: Penyakit autisme yang dikesan sejak berada di sekolah rendah lagi tidak menghalang seorang pelajar daripada mendapat keputusan cemerlang 9A dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2012 yang diumumkan semalam.

You can read further about him here (setempat)

So, let’s discuss further about the ‘Autism‘ or also called as ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders‘ (ASD).


  • Based on Anita Woolfolk in her Educational Psychology book, Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders can be defined as developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age 3 and ranging from mild to major.She stated that about 1 in every 150 children is born with autism.
  • Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person’s life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person’s communication and social interaction skills. People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter. (source: )

So, what I understand about autism is it will delayed children’s developmental in social interaction, communication and learning, it will be appear or parents can realize whether their child has this disability or not since the child at the age of 3 years old (approximately) and ranging from mild to major (severeness).

Characteristics There are several characteristics of autistic.

  • Difficulty relating to people, objects and events. Children with autism will have difficulty in adapting new things in their life as they need to be introduced or informed  earlier to prevent from surprised and can’t accept it at all.
  • Repetitive movements. They loves to do rocking, spinning, finger snapping, hand flapping  and etc. repetitively. We can’t stop them and if we do force them to stop, things will be much disaster. So, what can we do as teacher or parents, we can distract them to do other things slowly and gradually to stop them doing that.
  • Insistence on sameness in the environment and in following routines; marked distress over changes in trivial aspects of either. Children with autism like predictability. Routine can be seen as their best friend and parts of their life. Changes in their life can affect their quality of life if those were done with force. However, we can teach them to cope better with the changes.
  • Avoidance of eye contact. They normally avoid and hardly doing eye contact when communicate.
  • Impaired communication skills both verbal and non-verbal. The affect on communication skills of children with autism are determined by the severity of the autism. Based on, many students with ASD do not speak at all (but I have hesitation with this statement, if you know better, please tell me okay?)
  • Unconventional use of toys and objects. Teacher and parents found that some times the children would use toys and objects in totally different way as it supposed to be used.
  • Impairment of social interaction and abnormal social play. Children with this disability have different social play and sometimes unpredictable.
  • Avoid physical contact. They hate to be hugged, tickled, cuddled or being touched by others. I’m not saying all of them, but some will might respond completely different like normal child did.
  • Cognitive problems in attention, organization, and sequencing. As they have difficulty to pay attention, teacher need to attract their interest from time to time. Autistic student also has difficulty managing their behavior without structure, thus, teacher should develop individual and group behavior plans.

I’ve just mention the severe one, but you can freely search for more at this website

Ehm before I end this post, I would like to share with you guys about something.

Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness

Some said that people with autism DON’T have feeling! Believe me, this is only a myth! Created by ignorance people who don’t even care to know about autism. People with autism DO have feelings, they feel the love, happiness, sadness and pain just like everyone else but with different way, their own way. So, people out there, please be careful with what you’re going to say and spread away. You might cause confusion and gave wrong information about autism!

Spread the words! thanks you ❤

Till we meet again,

In shaa Allah 🙂


Reason of Always Lost

Assalamualaikum, haii everyone?

How do you do? hope you just fine 🙂 …always in barakah of Allah …

Last 2 weeks, ooowh its sounds very long time ago…

So, basically, on that day, we have done a survey about our own multiple intelligence. Multiple Intelligence is a theory created by Howard Gardner. Based on Gardner (1999), they are 8 intelligence :-

Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence

Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information. Writers, poets, lawyers and speakers are among those that Howard Gardner sees as having high linguistic intelligence.

Logical-mathematical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardner’s words, it entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.

Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. According to Howard Gardner musical intelligence runs in an almost structural parallel to linguistic intelligence.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one’s whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. Howard Gardner sees mental and physical activity as related.

Spatial/Visual intelligence involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas.

Interpersonal intelligence is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counsellors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence.

Intrapersonal intelligence entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one’s feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner’s view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.

and there is one additional intelligence:-

Naturalist intelligence enables human beings to recognize, categorize and draw upon certain features of the environment. It ‘combines a description of the core ability with a characterization of the role that many cultures value’ (ibid.: 48).  (In the test, this kind of intelligence is not included)

Every people has their own strength and weaknesses, so do I. From the survey, now I knew that I have high points on interpersonal. It means that I can socialize and work with others effectively. As a future teacher, I really need to well developed this kind of intelligence so that I can be an effective teacher! Yeay hihi…but I have very low points on Spatial/Visual intelligence. This answered why I always lost and cannot tell directions rightly. However, Ummi Rosseni said that our weaknesses can be changed as we can well develop it gradually. About a year ago, when I started realize that I always forgot where the entrance/exit or where the car was parked when ever I go to the mall, I started to set my mind when I arrived to remember the number on the beam at the parking lot. The other alternative if you afraid that you’ll forget, you can just taking picture of the parking lot 🙂 but you can’t train your mind to keep memorizing. It’s your choice! hihi

So…these are my result *(no need to know the points hihi I don’t think it’s good 😦 )

my multiple intelligence result

That’s all for this time, thank you…

Till we meet again, In Shaa Allah 🙂

The Miracle Worker

Assalamualaikum wbt 🙂

Let’s make this du’a for our parents before we proceed further… Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

Let's du'a for our parents <3

Let’s du’a for our parents ❤

~psst* This is my second post for today, wee * (sorry for my misunderstood, I thought the post for the previous tutorial about multiple intelligence is not necessary, my bad 😦 )

I kept missing my ibu and ayah, I’ve been away for a month from them, I want to go back home last week but they did not allow me as our home is still under construction. A lot of dust and things here and there, can you imagine of construction place? Not only dusty, the loud sounds from the drill will make you uncomfortable, so, I decided to stay at my room for the whole weekend. Furthermore, what makes me more sad was actually last Wednesday, on 13th March is my birthday 😦 wuu, I want to be around my family. But then, my mom said that we will having BBQ party to celebrate my birthday during mid semester break. Wee hoo!

So, back on track hihi…

The Miracle Worker

A Great Movie! You should watch it!

Last week, when Ummi Rosseni can’t be with us as she got seminar at Uniten, we are assigned to watch a movie about the famous Hellen Keller. A girl who suffering blindness and can’t produce speech. But ‘The Miracle Worker’ , Miss Annie like the title of the movie has successfully train and teach Hellen from a ‘wild’ girl who doesn’t even want to eat properly to a behaved ‘lady’ and can even communicate! That’s why the movie entitled The Miracle Worker.

I can see the hardship faced by Miss Annie to teach and educate Hellen. She has a lot of patience. I tried to imagine and be in her shoes but I think, I could never has patience like her. However, I really need to develop the patience as I’m going to be a teacher in about 2 years time. There a many kinds of students that I’m going to attain later on, they might be hyperactive, very quiet, have learning difficulties and etc. That is the reason of this Learner Diversity course has been introduced to us.

From the perspective of parents, I think parents who have special children like Hellen should find the appropriate and suitable teacher who can train their children in order to dig their children’s potential and train to be better even not like a normal children, but they can be like one of them or better gradually. Hence, patience is the main aspect that should be emphasized once again. Mrs. Keller love her daughter very much, she spoiled Hellen too much until Hellen not behave like she should be. She was being patient every time Hellen make chaos and tantrum. Based on Ms. Sullivan, these kind of love, patient and sympathy would only kill Hellen later. So, she train Hellen the way she want either Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan like it or not because everything she do is for Hellen’s sake. Because of the determination, Ms. Annie can teach Hellen some words using ‘touch’ sign language and prove that she is right to Kellers family and she continually teach her.

That’s all…I’ll post the digital message later on, soon! I promise 🙂  [now is 1.57pm]

In Shaa Allah 🙂

till we meet again …


The Digital message 🙂

like I promise [now is 2.17pm] hihi

Miracle Worker DM

Thinking in Pictures ~ My Life with Autism

Assalamualaikum wbt 🙂

I’m sorry that I kept procrastinating this  entry, ouhh my bad… 😦

Actually,  I always waiting for the right moment to start working on my blog or assignment. Even though I’m delaying my writing, my mind kept thinking about what I’m going to write for this post about the must see movie, ‘Thinking in Pictures-My life with Autism ~Temple Grandin’ .

Before you read further, lets see my digital message for this movie ❤

temple scream

This movie makes me remember about my former kindergarten student, back to 2010. I work for almost 2 1/2 years at the kindergarten after I graduated my diploma in TESL, it makes me more mature and my maternal feeling was growing 😛 hihi  maybe because I’m surrounded by young children, the patience for coaxing children who are crying and handling them just make me a better person… So, back to the main intention about mentioning the kindergarten, I met and taught a 6 years old boy with Autism in that school. At first, I don’t really understand what happen to this boy, he can’t wait for his turn, kept fidgeting, and whenever I speak to him, he hardly make any eye contact. During the assembly every Mondays morning, he would shut his both ears with his palms, he just can’t stand the loudness. However, he is very smart and advance. He can complete his work, for certain subjects which he loves most like Mathematics, English and Bahasa Melayu but with poor handwriting. He can answer and count faster, even faster than advanced children (normal). Like in the story, Temple said that “I’m DIFFERENT but not LESS!.

Then, I bet that he has Autism, the headmistress also told me so. The following day on wards, I’m able to handle him. I remember that I’ve  scolded him a few times before I knew he has Autism. Believe me, scolding is not working on children with Autism, this is because he became more rebellious and I just can’t control him. I’ve cried once because I don’t know how to handle him. Later on, I try to handle him by talking slowly, with soft intonation, coaxing and be friendly to him. And BELIEVE me! It’s work and I’m happy, so does him!

I always asked him, “Kimi, do you love your mom/dad/sister? He straight away answer YES! , But when I asked do you love (any teacher’s name) he would take a minute to think and answer YES/NO! to teacher he loves and I’m excitedly to tell you that I’m one of the teachers he loves! ❤ When I asked about yesterday’s activity, he can’t answer it and just leave it unsaid. Same goes with when I asked about who’s his friends. He can just remember and say names that he just played with or person who sits next to him.

Back to the movie, almost all the characteristics of Temple Grandin did happen to my former student. It makes me more understand about children with Autism. They can be cured actually if we know their preference and assist them doing things they love. I’m amazed with Temple as she succeed in her learning with PhD even though she has Autism. She can see things, imagine things and feel things and even measure things while thinking. So, she really is DIFFERENT but NOT LESS!

This post is quite longer than previous posts as I’ve experienced handling a child with Autism,now I am sharing it with you 🙂 .

One of the quotes by Temple Grandin…

temple grandin 2

That’s all for this entry, see next time in shaa Allah 🙂

please continue reading my blog and leave comments for my betterment 😀
